Mullingar Sailing Club was formed at a meeting in Broder’s Hotel (now the Newbury Hotel), Mullingar on 24th April 1964.
Initially the Club had no premises and sailing took place from the western shore of Lough Owel where the changing room was the back seat of a car or the nearby hedgerow. |
From 1968 – 1971 the annual regatta was held on Lough Ennell in conjunction with the then popular Mullingar Steak Festival…. “Beef to the Heels” and all that!!
In November 1971 the Club acquired a 99 year lease on the current site which has been progressively improved and developed beyond recognition to the fine facility it is today. |
The first Clubhouse was a mobile home purchased in 1982, replaced in 1984 with a wooden hut acquired from “Army Surplus”.
With some of the larger GP14 and Mirror Dinghy fleets in the country Mullingar Sailing Club now provides vibrant and valuable amenity on the shore of a magnificent lake with regular twice-weekly sailing and annual adult and junior sailing and rescue boat courses.
In addition to the recreational activities the Club is proud of its history in providing a local rescue service which has assisted several swimmers and anglers who found themselves in difficulty on the lake’s waters.
The current site which has been progressively improved and developed beyond recognition to the fine facility it is today.
For more details on the Club’s history and achievements please see our book entitled “50 Years Afloat”, published in 2014 to mark the Club’s 50th anniversary.
Contact a committee member for a copy!